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Do your part to help the campaign.


Do your part to help the campaign.

Make a submission on draft Local Planning Scheme 2

Preserve Gnarabup has been working for years to prevent or minimise development on your beautiful coast and our town beach. The WA Planning Commission and the Augusta-Margaret River Shire have advertised a revised Local Planning Scheme (LPS2) that contains significant changes that have set back this cause enormously. They won’t explain or discuss these changes.
The only way you can let them know how you feel is to make a submission on draft LPS2. Public consultation ends on 28 February at 5pm. We have prepared a draft submission for you here.

If you want to use the template submission; please add a personal message at the start about Gnarabup and what it means to you and why careful planning for the site is important.

Then on page two, please edit the text to make your submission your own. You don’t have to make massive changes but a few changes here and there will ensure your submission carries more weight.

Please ensure you include your name and address – this is important! You must also include the capacity in which you make the submission – ie perhaps you are a nearby land owner, a nearby resident, a user of the beach area, a long term local person or a member of a group which wants to make a submission.

You must sign the submission – either electronically or by hand. To sign electronically simply click the sign field, if you don’t have a digital ID just follow the instructions to configure a new one.

Then email the submission to: lpsreview@amrshire.wa.gov.au

Alternatively you can make a submission directly through the Shire’s website – to do this you have to register as user and log in – https://yoursay.amrshire.wa.gov.au/local-planning-scheme-no-2?tool=survey_tool#tool_tab

What are the changes proposed in LPS2:

  1. We have had a victory already. WAPC and AMR Shire have admitted that rezoning of part of Lot 783 was an “error”.  Time to fix the other errors!
  2. Clauses restricting the use of land to tourism, and the scale of development, have been deleted. This may allow the developer to create a very dense luxury residential estate and maximise profits – opening the door to extraordinary windfall profit made quickly.
  3. Land identified in the Local Planning Strategy for tourism has been rezoned to Urban Development – allowing it to more easily be sold off as luxury permanent residential rather than tourist accommodation.
The current population of Prevelly/Gnarabup is 776. These developments would add one thousand plus to the population and massively increase visitation.


Make a donation to our gofundme page.


We have drafted a template letter you can use to write to the key politicians who have influence on the decision whether to approve the proposed development on Gnarabup Headland.  See template and list of politicians and their email addresses below. We suggest you prepare your email and send it to all of them.
State Government
Letter Template
Email List


Tell the world about what is at stake. Share the website and follow us on our socials to help spread the message. Please like, comment and share our posts to amplify the message that we oppose developing Gnarabup Headland.

Photo Russell Ord



We always have lots of jobs to do. Please email us to volunteer your time to help the Preserve Gnarabup campaign.