Coverage and stories about Gnarabup and our fight to preserve it.
Coverage and stories about Gnarabup and our fight to preserve it.
Coverage and stories about Gnarabup and our fight to preserve it.
Triple J – Hack Report
Interview with Peppa Lane from Spacey Jane.
7 News Report – Development Fight
Climate change figures show evidence development should not go ahead.
7 News Report – Burning Question
Government warned lives will be in danger if development goes ahead.
GWN7 News – Preserve Gnarabup Paddle Out Coverage
GWN7 News coverage of the Preserve Gnarabup Paddle Out.
GWN7 News – Preserve Gnarabup Paddle Out
GWN7 News coverage of the Preserve Gnarabup Paddle Out.
GWN7 News – Preserve Gnarabup Rally
GWN7 News coverage of the Preserve Gnarabup Rally
Channel 7 News – Preserve Gnarabup Rally
Channel 7 News coverage of the Preserve Gnarabup Rally
ABC News – Preserve Gnarabup Rally
ABC News coverage of the Preserve Gnarabup Rally
EPA calls for full public environmental review of Margaret River Westin resort proposal at Gnarabup
The chairman of WA’s Environmental Protection Authority has confirmed the Gnarabup resort site will be assessed at the highest level.
Environmental Protection Authority scrutiny adds a year of delay to Luke Saraceni’s resort plans for Gnarabup
The much-vaunted resort and housing development earmarked for Gnarabup could face up to a year of delays after the Environmental Protection Authority determined it would have to be assessed.
Cost of wastewater treatment for Luke Saraceni’s luxury resort may fall to taxpayers
The Water Corporation has conceded its Gnarabup wastewater facility will not be able to cope with the expanded population at a planned luxury resort and housing development, set to leave taxpayers footing the bill for a new system.
Opinion: What those who love Margaret River and Gnarabup beach need to now about its future development
Do tourists visiting Margaret River’s stunning town beach Gnarabup and the family friendly surf breaks of Grunters, Gas Bay and Sewers know of the existence of what locals call a “poo farm”, which releases liquid waste just metres from the surging waves of the ocean?
Environmental Protection Authority to probe Gnarabup resort site
WA’s Environmental Protection Authority may have thrown a spanner into the process for the proposed resort on the Margaret River coastline.
Preserve Gnarabup calls for plant to close after failings in report
The Preserve Gnarabup group has called on the State government and the Shire of Augusta Margaret River to close the Gnarabup wastewater treatment plant after a report found the plant is leaking contaminates.
Residents fight Gnarabup plan
Residents opposing plans for a resort and associated mixed housing development at Gnarabup joined a Statewide protest at the weekend.
Margaret River council to vote on push to rezone land out from under $70m beachside hotel
A Perth developer planning to build beach houses and a $70 million five-star hotel overlooking the Indian Ocean near Margaret River will lodge a development application early in the new year.
Gnarabup petition tabled in WA Parliament
South West Greens MLC Diane Evers has vowed to continue her campaign on behalf of community calls to protect the South West environment for future generations.
Resort Compromise Flagged
The Preserve Gnarabup protest group could surrender its fight to block a resort proposed for the coastline after the volunteer lawyer behind its proposed scheme amendment flagged a compromise to Shire of Augusta-Margaret River councillors this week.
Community group steps up the fight in Gnarabup
A community group fighting plans by developer Luke Saraceni to build a resort and houses at Gnarabup in Margaret River has raised $45,000 in a fighting fund.
Preserve Gnarabup Hosts Hundreds for Protest
Opposition to potential resort development at Gnarabup continues to be loud and clear after around 300 people took to the water in protest on Saturday.
Hundreds take part in mass paddle-out at Gnarabup Beach to protest luxury Margaret River resort plan
Hundreds of people opposed to a luxury housing and resort development being built on a pristine piece of the Margaret River coast have taken part in a mass ‘paddle out’ protest.
Paddle-out to fight coast plan
Protest group Preserve Gnarabup is calling all surfers who support their campaign against development on the coast to paddle out tomorrow morning.
Paddle out planned for Gnarabup this weekend
Community members concerned about the development of Gnarabup headland are urged to take part in a paddle-out this Saturday October 10 at 10am next to Gnarabup boat ramp.
Resort fight stepped up
The Preserve Gnarabup protest group has unveiled its latest fundraising plans as it continues its fight against a proposed five-star resort development and associated housing on the coast.
Redesign for coastal walk
Preserve Gnarabup has welcomed news that the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River will spend another $300,000 on new coastal access infrastructure at Gnarabup and Prevelly to fight the effects of rising sea levels.
Resort possum fears
Protest group Preserve Gnarabup has added concerns about endangered western ringtail possums to its argument against a proposed five-star resort on the Margaret River coast.
Anti-Resort Butler Gig
Margaret River-based musician John Butler will return to his activist roots with a gig in town later this month to help raise funds for the fight against a proposed five-star resort on the coast.
Waterline is No Shore Thing
Petition to Combat Resort Plan
Residents will be called on to add their names to a growing petition campaigning against the proposed five-star resort at Gnarabup.
Will Rising Sea Levels Sink Developer Luke Saraceni’s Plan for $75m Resort on Margaret River Beachfront?
Critics of a proposed beachfront development at Margaret River are in a dispute with the developer over where the shoreline will sit in 100 years time, with opponents claiming some houses could end up underwater.
Review of Gnarabup coastal stretch considered
The Shire of Augusta Margaret River says it will consider a review of the land upon which a proposed 120 room resort will be developed in Gnarabup.
Big Turnout at Resort Protest
Protest group Preserve Gnarabup says a strong showing at Saturday’s rally will drive further talks about ways to halt the proposed resort development on Margaret River’s coast.
Crowds Rally for Gnarabup Coastal Preservation
Hundreds of people arrived in Margaret River on Saturday afternoon, keen to voice their opposition to the proposed Westin Margaret River Resort development.